Residential Painting
Fresh paint and clean lines really do wonders for making a home stand out or a room pop. And we are pretty sure most people will agree with that. That said, when the time comes for painting your home or giving a room a new look, make sure you give us a call.
From painting new homes and historic bungalows to redecorating single rooms, D&R painting llc is your preferred painting company.
Our Residential Painting Services Include
- Ceilings
- Walls
- Trim
- Painted or varnished trim
- Trim staining
- Staining services
- Spray paint
- Restoration painting
- Kitchen cabinet painting
Office & Commercial Painting
“Clean, neat, flexible, economical and fast” is how we’ve been described by our customers. When our customers ask how long the project will take, we respond by asking how long they will give us, and we then staff the project accordingly to get the job done within that time parameter.
Having your offices painted can be either an easy or difficult process, depending upon the office painting contractor you use. Much of the confusion can be eliminated by preplanning. That is why office painting projects go so smoothly.
If there’s preparation prior to painting, such as the moving of furniture, who is responsible and where it is stored are all addressed. We use low odor products whenever possible, so our customer’s staff don’t complain about the smell.
Complete Painting and Wall Preparation Services
- Wallpaper removal and installations
- Removal of dust and dirt from work site
- Wall washing
- Removal of nails
- Preparing wall surfaces for primary coats
- Wall sanding and caulking
- Filling holes
- Ensuring smooth finish before painting
Drywall Repairs & Texturing
If there's a hole in one of your walls, consider hiring the professionals at D&R painting llc in New Brunswick, NJ, for drywall repair services. Our team is highly experienced and friendly, and when they come to a client's property, they make sure to be respectful at all times. We'll check that every crevice is properly covered before we leave, so you can count on us for quality results.
Our Drywall Repair Services Include
- Water damage
- Smoke damage
- Wall hole repair
- Minor patches
- Sheetrock replacement
- Popcorn ceiling removal
- Smooth texturing
- Plaster repairs
- Pop corn ceiling repairs